Recommended color progression for Dye-Trak VII+

The color progression below is based on minimizing the overlap between colors for a given number of colors to
 be injected. 

 The colors within a set can be injected in any order

The Excel matrix inversion macro is set up to use these color progressions.  The version of the macro that is
 used for data analysis should match the number of colors injected in order to minimize 'noise' in the calculated
 blood flow data.  Two versions of the macro are available; with and without Process Control. 

Process control is the recommended alternative as it only adds a few pennies to the cost of processing each
 tissue or blood sample while allowing the user to detect samples with 'lost microspheres' and, if desired,
 correct the flow data for the lost spheres.

Acidified Cellosolve Acetate should be used as the solvent for the Dye-Trak VII+ family.  DMF will not work with some Dye-Trak VII+ colors.

With Blue as Process Control:

1    Yellow
2    Yellow, Persimmon
3    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange
4    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon
5    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine
6    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Berry**

With 'No Control:

1    Yellow
2    Yellow, Persimmon
3    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange
4    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon
5    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine
6    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Berry
7    Yellow, Persimmon, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Berry, Blue

create counter